Sunday, November 23, 2008


by Angela Liew
Hello Team!! Welcome to our new blog! This is a blog created for YOU, the TECH TEAM members! Am very excited with this blog as we the leaders will be able to communicate to each one of you at your own convenient time!

The purpose of this blog is not because we are the Tech Team so that we need to be high tech! The purpose of this blog is so that every member would be able to receive input from the leaders (as the team grow its difficult for us to gather all for this), keep track of the upcoming events (so that you have no excuse to say you forget), you will also enjoy easy access to any form that you need from this blog in due time and most of all this blog will be where you can post some of your comments.

You as a Tech Team member can post your write up here too. BUT your post will need to be submitted to Serena for approval and posting. We like you to make this your blog too! As we believe every team members carry something for the TEAM that’s why you are in this TEAM so make your presence known! Be a blessing to the rest of the TEAM member. Certain selected photos will also be placed here… Of course the photos will only be the Tech Team ya!

This blog is maintained by Serena F, Tracy W, Christina L and myself. I believe that the TEAM has lots to receive from these leaders that are maintaining the blog so get to know them more!

Remember relationship with one another is one of the elements of a strong and successful TEAM. Be excited TEAM!!!


lizzy said...

It is wonderful to see a group of people willing to work towards firstly, relationship in building a strong winning team; and secondly to be a blessing to the whole church in the area of very proud to be 'in-a-way' part of this tech team. thanks alot!

GCC Tech Team said...

Thanks Liza for your encouragement! Its people like yourself that makes us wants to DO even BETTER!

Thanx for sticking up for us in many ways too! We are a WINNING TEAM!!!