Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Hello team,

Below are the tech events arranged just for you =) So, please set aside your time for all of the below events ya! Blessed New Year to you and lets move on into greater excellency as we serve our Lord in the coming year together as a TEAM! =D


17 Jan(sun) 6:30pm Dinner @ Ps William Vun's Res.
26 Feb(fri) 9am Reel Hunt @ Lok Kawi Zoo
11 April(sun) 7pm Tech Dinner Fellowship
15 Aug(sun) Tech Training
15 & 16 Sept(wed&thurs) Tech Recharge/Outing
10 Oct(sun) Tech Gotong Royong

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas TEAM!!

by Angela Liew
Thank You TEAM you did a tremendous job last night (24 Dec)! Not only last night but the night before too! Tho’ the night before we had some technical problem and that didn’t stop us, Y-O-U (each one of you) pick up so well!!!

I can see and feel that you literally when ALL out! I was very touch by you all for the effort and the die-hard attitude that you all carried despite the hick-up that we had the night before. Because of that last night turn out to be a tremendous night with God’s presence so thick that many can’t deny His presence!

The people felt this and respond to His call is because Y-O-U play a part. It is because Y-O-U chose to believe for the miracle that God is going to do and also place in your very BEST at where you where serving. When you place in your very BEST to do His work, our God work become super awesome!

NOW we are the talk of the town! You gals and guys made history the last two days do you know? Never ever KK had experience such Christmas before! Be proud, for you were part of making that difference! More will come….

So ladies and gentlemen continue to keep you head high, give in your very BEST, strive for Excellence and keep check of that humility too! I can’t ask for a better TEAM!

Y-O-U rock! And is the coolest TEAM that I can ever lead! Am SUPER proud of you!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tech Team Outing 2009

Hi! Thanx to Janessa this video is done so well! For those of you who have missed it in church here it is for you to view again! Or for those of you want to see your photos many time feel free to replay it till you are satisfy!

Enjoy! And I'm (Angela Liew that is) proud of each and everyone of you!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Stronger TEAM

by Angela Liew

A TEAM to be proud of! UNITY!!

Hello Team! It has been awhile since I blog! As you know from the photos you will know what I want to blog about already :-)

First of all I would like to thank the committee for doing such a splendid job with the outing and I know you all have put much hard work into it! A BIG thank you to Christina and her team i.e. Alan, Erin and Prescilla (she was included into this team last minute and she did extremely well too).

Secondly, I would like to thank all those that have made an effort to participate in this outing. I know in today’s world TIME is a factor and most of us don’t have enough of it! Thank you so much for being there and making this outing a success.

After the outing, tho’ it was super short, I felt in my Spirit that the TEAM is different! And felt that the outing was able to connect, refresh, challenge, and build! This was exactly the purpose of the outing! Then reading all your testimony I found that it is indeed a confirmation! We will post parts and pieces of your testimony in this blog so look out for it.

Let us continue to CHARGE for Jesus and CROSSOVER! Let us crossover TOGETHER as a strong TEAM! Don’t let the friendship that was built in the outing die down BUT instead BUILD it stronger and to the next level! Let us learn to ride on each other’s strength! 1 Cor 12:14for every member is important! Continue to pursue after one another within the TEAM and be a great example! Let’s build this FAMILY strong and further. Bring in those friends of yours who are not in the ministry yet to be a part of this family.

Continue to serve the Lord with CONFIDENCE!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The "CARING BALL" is rolling!!

I received a message from my Guardian Angel this morning.
Just a simple sms(not her own hp no of course), it meant a lot to me!
It's so blessed that my GA remember me and made effort to show her concern.
I felt warmth in my heart when I read the message.
It's very encouraging, all the more I want to do something for my Baby Angel when my Guardian Angel showed her love and care towards me.
Hey, let's keep the "Caring Ball" rolling...=)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


This is a “caring system” initiated by the Welfare Department :)

No one can look after a group of people well better than when everyone look after everyone in the individual level, right?

Therefore, how this GA/BA works is - each of us need to take up the “guardian angel” role to another member of the team who is our “baby angel”. We will run this caring system from now until Tech Outing day… after that, hopefully this caring system will become our culture & lifestyle!! :)


  • To cultivate a culture of intentional caring for one another
  • To mobilize team members to get to know one another better
  • To increase our sensitivity towards one another’s needs.


  • To remain entirely discreet/anonymous in our identity when caring for one another by not disclosing one’s baby angel to another person (to promote unconditional care to another person and avoid comparison)
  • Not giving expensive gifts to avoid comparisons. To offer words of encouragement through short notes is most appropriate.
  • To show kindness consistently throughout this GABA duration, not showing kindness one-time only before the Outing.
  • To do only uplifting acts and encouraging words towards our baby angel, intending only for good. Not giving critics or passing judgment. De-briefing session after Sunday services is still the best feedback session, so do not need to do this anymore as GA to your BA.
  • Before deciding any actions toward your BA, ask “How do I show my appreciation to my BA?”
  • Do not make comparisons on how baby angels are being cared for and for baby angel, there’s no need to attempt reply to his/her guardian angel or find out who is he/she before Outing.
  • Feedback to Welfare Committees or Tech leaders whenever deem suitable.

Let’s start the “caring ball” rolling!! And fill our Tech lives with full of care and love :)

Yours beloved,

Welfare Department, Tech GCC

Monday, July 6, 2009

Tech Team Outing 15th-16th September 2009

Hi there,

Finally the long awaits Tech Team Outing is here!!

Seeing how TECH team putting in great effort and much time in serving for the past months, and the willingness to walk the extra miles for our Lord and the advancement of His Kingdom, it’s time to gather the Team together, get to know each other better and have lots of fun.

The committee (that is your beloved Welfare Department) is cracking their heads to make this event possible – they have inspected few places to ensure the suitability and even to the extent of spending a night there, tasting the food, checking-out the accommodation and scrolling along the beach… :) Awww... Real hard work! So, YOU MUST COME FOR THE OUTING!


Team building. Motivation. To have lots of fun!


This outing is only open to GCC Tech Team members, and trainers (as approved by the leaders). Our big brother, Andrew Chow and his family will be invited too.

What you need to do:

All you need to do is registered yourself with Erin starting from 5 July 2009 onwards, and pay a registration fee of RM50 only. FYI, we have already been subsidized more than 30% Praise the LORD!

You can opt to pay the registration fee by weekly instalments of RM10 from 5 July 2009 but please make sure the total sum of RM50 is paid latest by the closing date.

The closing date is 2 August 2009

Getting yourself ready:

Just come prepare - to receive and be a blessing to one another.


15th – 16th September 2009 (one night stay at the Resort)

Check-In: 8.30pm 15th September 2009

Check-Out: 9.00pm 16th September 2009


Seaside Travellers Inn

If you do not know the place, don’t panic. Transportation will be provided.

Just meet at GCC before 7.30pm on 15 September 2009.

Please respect one another by being on time.

Further Details:

Further details will be provided as we get closer to the outing.

But if you approach the committee nicely (and bring them out yumcha!!), they may reveal more details to you.


Welfare Department



过去的几个月我们不难看见队员们在服侍当中尽心尽力,全力以赴, 为着上帝的国度努力,委身于基督。因此是时候让大家好好集在一块更加认识彼此,相互了解, 并尽心玩乐。

郊游的委员会(也就是你们“心爱”的福利部)伤透脑袋 为你们尽心策划, 如参观多个场地,在度假村留宿,享受美食, 在美丽的海滩漫步等等 - 工作十分辛苦!所以你们必须来参与

建立团队。激发队员 。趣味竞赛,乐趣无穷

这个郊游只开放给技术团队队员,以及培训队员(领袖所批准) 。我们的大哥大,安德鲁和他的家人将被邀请参与

你所需要做的就是从200975日起 向 ERIN (凌慧)报名,并交付50令吉报名费。其余的30%-40%,我们已得到赞助赞美主!

预备好自己的心和体力。给予和领受。 成为彼此的祝福。

报到: 2009915日晚上830分(在度假村留宿一晚)
回程: 2009916日晚上9

Seaside Travellers Inn

提倡. 迟到自误。



Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tech Recruitment Drive

Date : 29 March 2009(sun)
Venue : GCC Main Hall
Time : 7:30pm - 9:30pm

Program & PIC of different tasks:-

1. 7:30pm – 7:40pm Arrival of church members…
2. 7:40pm – 7:45pm Opening Clip(3mins) by Denny
3. 7:45pm – 8:05pm Introduction of Tech Ministry by Angela(20mins)
4. 8:05pm – 8:10pm Testimonies by 2 team members (Alan & Prescilla)

5. 8:10pm – 8:50pm Tour of Depts
- Sound(House console) - Clarence
- Sound(Monitor room) - Polly
- Mezzanine Flr(Projection) - Eva

- Mezzanine Flr(Lights, Recording & Camera) - Kelvin
(10mins tour & explanation of each station)

6. 8:50pm – 9:05pm FAQ and Q&A by Tracy & Robert(15mins)
7. 9:05pm – 9:20pm Challenge by Andrew(15mins)
8. 9:20pm – 9:30pm Sign up Application Form by Serena(10mins)
9. 9:30pm Closing by Serena(2mins)
Interpreter : Erin Chong

Photographer : Janessa Wong






4pm - 6pm

4:30pm - 6:30pm


29 March (sun)
Tech Recruitment Drive
GCC Main Hall
7:30pm – 9:30pm

19 April (sun)
M.O.P. Training I
Classroom 2 & 3
2:00pm – 6:00pm
(require new recruits and team members upon request by leader)

26 April (sun)
M.O.P. Training II
Classroom 2 & 3
2:00pm – 6:00pm
(Require new recruits and team members upon request by leader)

12 July (sun)
Tech Gotong Royong
GCC Main Hall
2:00pm – 4:00pm

16 August (sun)
Tech Team Training
Glory Hall
2:00pm – 6:00pm

15 & 16 September((tue&wed)
Tech Team Outing