Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Stronger TEAM

by Angela Liew

A TEAM to be proud of! UNITY!!

Hello Team! It has been awhile since I blog! As you know from the photos you will know what I want to blog about already :-)

First of all I would like to thank the committee for doing such a splendid job with the outing and I know you all have put much hard work into it! A BIG thank you to Christina and her team i.e. Alan, Erin and Prescilla (she was included into this team last minute and she did extremely well too).

Secondly, I would like to thank all those that have made an effort to participate in this outing. I know in today’s world TIME is a factor and most of us don’t have enough of it! Thank you so much for being there and making this outing a success.

After the outing, tho’ it was super short, I felt in my Spirit that the TEAM is different! And felt that the outing was able to connect, refresh, challenge, and build! This was exactly the purpose of the outing! Then reading all your testimony I found that it is indeed a confirmation! We will post parts and pieces of your testimony in this blog so look out for it.

Let us continue to CHARGE for Jesus and CROSSOVER! Let us crossover TOGETHER as a strong TEAM! Don’t let the friendship that was built in the outing die down BUT instead BUILD it stronger and to the next level! Let us learn to ride on each other’s strength! 1 Cor 12:14for every member is important! Continue to pursue after one another within the TEAM and be a great example! Let’s build this FAMILY strong and further. Bring in those friends of yours who are not in the ministry yet to be a part of this family.

Continue to serve the Lord with CONFIDENCE!