Saturday, December 27, 2008

Thank You TEAM

Angela Liew
Merry Christmas TEAM!!! Oh oh… or rather HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009! Thank you to each and every ONE of Y-O-U! You guys have just been a superb TEAM and your partnership… NO one can match! We the leaders are very proud of you all for performing so well in such a tense event BUT you all managed to keep calm and weather through it!

Su Shen or Leonie as some of you know her, has called to convey her “Thank You” to you all too. She felt that this year the team to her has performed extremely well and so chun the timing she said :-) I said of course!!! I have the BEST team in town! Remember this was a team Spirit it was not just because we worked well as a team it’s because Su Shen too has put in a lot of effort to prepare for us the details that the Tech Team needed. We too need to be proud of her and thank her! So gals and guys say “Thank You” to Su Shen when you see her ya!

Fui Lee is also very grateful for the TEAM! She appreciates the effort that we as a Team have put in to ensure that every detail of the events is covered and taken care of. She was very worry in the morning of 24th BUT after chatting with me awhile through MSN she was much comforted as she realizes that GCC has the BEST TEAM in town =-D with that she was able to enjoy the Christmas Eve celebration!

Team both Su Shen and Fui Lee are the event manager for Chinese and English service respectively ya! So say thank you to them too because they had worked and protected the TEAM much these year to ensure that we will be able to function and give our best to the church and most of all God!

Once again TEAM the Tech Team leaders are very proud of each one of you and indeed it’s a blessing to have YOU to be part of the team! Keep up the good job and be ready to face the BIGGER hall next year! Continue to rise up from where you are as next year 2009 will be an even more challenging year!

Happy New Year 2009 TEAM!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Tech Team Church Site Visit

Hello team,

Just a reminder this Saturday 28th Dec 2008, 4pm we are going to the church site visit, lead by Andrew. Please be there on time and gather at Glory Hall main door. C u there =)

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Reminder: Tech Team group phototaking on 4th January 2009(sun) right after service at 12:30pm, GCC Main Hall. All team members please put on your TEAM shirt and give your best post! =)

Sunday, December 14, 2008


“Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude” - Ralph Marsto
Excellence has never been about skills BUT its about the attitude that is within us. To achieve excellence we need to have the right attitude. No one is able to achieve Excellency or success by not carrying the right attitude in life.

GCC Vision 10: Excellence for God

The excellence parameter that we should have is not according to our own human standard BUT it’s according to the standard of God! That’s why good to the sight of man is never good enough for God, therefore we shall continue to strive for the BEST! Giving our BEST to God will glorify His Name.

To achieve Excellence we need to put it into works! We can’t be just sitting around and not doing work as that doesn’t bring any light to the people that we come encounter with.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in
heaven Matt 5:16

The works that we do is not for ourselves BUT it’s for others to see how God is working through us! His Name will be glorified through the works that we do. Being in the ministry is not just being busy with practices, rehearsal or improving technicality BUT we are to reach out too! Reaching out to the lost souls is still our primary assignment as a believer! We are all called to do that! But it is through what we do (works) that will touch them!

1. Readiness and Willingness of heart 1 Tim 6:18 Let them do good that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share.

2. Awareness of hearts and be Sensitive to other’s needs. Heb 13:16
But do not forget to do good and to share for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

3. Action plan Rom 12:13
Distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.

Two important Questions for you this Christmas 2008:
1. How many souls you want to see coming to Church this Christmas Eve _____Chinese & ______ English?

2. How many souls you want to see responding to the invitation of the gospel? ___________

Be refreshed by the touch of God this Christmas even from this very moment! The grace and impartation of the Leaders to you has already been released all you have to do is received it and run with it! God is going to stir and work in and through you this Christmas so be a blessing to others.

Remember Christmas is always for someone else it’s not only for yourself! Watch the Video clip and know how much our Father God in Heaven loves you! Let us be that light for God to spread His good news so that our loves ones, friends, colleague, and those that we come across will not miss another year of it!

Know WHY you are doing WHAT you are doing

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas 2008 Dec Schedule

05 (fri) English Worship Practise @ 8pm
07 (sun) Chinese Worship Practise@ 2pm – 4pm
07 (sun) Bilingual Drama Practise @ 4pm – 7pm
07 (sun) English Worship Practise @ 7:30pm
09 (tue) English Worship Practise @ 8pm
13 (sat) English Christmas Rehearsal @ 4pm – 7pm
14 (sun) Chinese Worship Practise @ 2pm – 4pm
14 (sun) Bilingual Drama Practise @ 4pm – 7pm
16 (tue) English Worship Practise @ 8pm
19 (fri) Chinese Christmas Rehearsal @ 7:30pm – 10pm
20 (sat) English Christmas Rehearsal @ 4pm – 6pm
21 (sun) English Worship Practise @ 7:30pm
22(tue) Chinese Christmas Rehearsal @ 7:30pm – 10pm
23 (wed) CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION SERVICE (chinese) @ 7:30pm
24 (thurs) CHRISTMAS EVE CELEBRATION (english) @ 10pm -12am