Saturday, September 11, 2010


Hello team,

Lets look forward to create an exciting time with one another this coming 15th & 16th Sept @ Seaside Travellers Inn. Remember to bring your toiletries, water, snacks, extra clothing & Bible along. Be at church before 730pm this wednesday as we want to depart on time! Above all, pray for good weather, protection and a fruitful time. C u there ya!! :-)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thank You TEAM

Here you are :-)
First of ALL, would really like to thank Eric for doing this for us. Its a tremedous job!!! Thank you, couldn't have make the impact without you!
Secondly, thank you TEAM for making the ministry so enjoyable and unique! Each and everyone of you have play a huge part in building the TEAM to be what it is today. Thank you.
This pic is in my (Angela) computer wall paper :-) So I will be praying for you. I do encourage you to do the same.
Be bless and let's continue to "Serve the Lord with confidence and joy"

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Hello team,

Below are the tech events arranged just for you =) So, please set aside your time for all of the below events ya! Blessed New Year to you and lets move on into greater excellency as we serve our Lord in the coming year together as a TEAM! =D


17 Jan(sun) 6:30pm Dinner @ Ps William Vun's Res.
26 Feb(fri) 9am Reel Hunt @ Lok Kawi Zoo
11 April(sun) 7pm Tech Dinner Fellowship
15 Aug(sun) Tech Training
15 & 16 Sept(wed&thurs) Tech Recharge/Outing
10 Oct(sun) Tech Gotong Royong

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas TEAM!!

by Angela Liew
Thank You TEAM you did a tremendous job last night (24 Dec)! Not only last night but the night before too! Tho’ the night before we had some technical problem and that didn’t stop us, Y-O-U (each one of you) pick up so well!!!

I can see and feel that you literally when ALL out! I was very touch by you all for the effort and the die-hard attitude that you all carried despite the hick-up that we had the night before. Because of that last night turn out to be a tremendous night with God’s presence so thick that many can’t deny His presence!

The people felt this and respond to His call is because Y-O-U play a part. It is because Y-O-U chose to believe for the miracle that God is going to do and also place in your very BEST at where you where serving. When you place in your very BEST to do His work, our God work become super awesome!

NOW we are the talk of the town! You gals and guys made history the last two days do you know? Never ever KK had experience such Christmas before! Be proud, for you were part of making that difference! More will come….

So ladies and gentlemen continue to keep you head high, give in your very BEST, strive for Excellence and keep check of that humility too! I can’t ask for a better TEAM!

Y-O-U rock! And is the coolest TEAM that I can ever lead! Am SUPER proud of you!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tech Team Outing 2009

Hi! Thanx to Janessa this video is done so well! For those of you who have missed it in church here it is for you to view again! Or for those of you want to see your photos many time feel free to replay it till you are satisfy!

Enjoy! And I'm (Angela Liew that is) proud of each and everyone of you!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Stronger TEAM

by Angela Liew

A TEAM to be proud of! UNITY!!

Hello Team! It has been awhile since I blog! As you know from the photos you will know what I want to blog about already :-)

First of all I would like to thank the committee for doing such a splendid job with the outing and I know you all have put much hard work into it! A BIG thank you to Christina and her team i.e. Alan, Erin and Prescilla (she was included into this team last minute and she did extremely well too).

Secondly, I would like to thank all those that have made an effort to participate in this outing. I know in today’s world TIME is a factor and most of us don’t have enough of it! Thank you so much for being there and making this outing a success.

After the outing, tho’ it was super short, I felt in my Spirit that the TEAM is different! And felt that the outing was able to connect, refresh, challenge, and build! This was exactly the purpose of the outing! Then reading all your testimony I found that it is indeed a confirmation! We will post parts and pieces of your testimony in this blog so look out for it.

Let us continue to CHARGE for Jesus and CROSSOVER! Let us crossover TOGETHER as a strong TEAM! Don’t let the friendship that was built in the outing die down BUT instead BUILD it stronger and to the next level! Let us learn to ride on each other’s strength! 1 Cor 12:14for every member is important! Continue to pursue after one another within the TEAM and be a great example! Let’s build this FAMILY strong and further. Bring in those friends of yours who are not in the ministry yet to be a part of this family.

Continue to serve the Lord with CONFIDENCE!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The "CARING BALL" is rolling!!

I received a message from my Guardian Angel this morning.
Just a simple sms(not her own hp no of course), it meant a lot to me!
It's so blessed that my GA remember me and made effort to show her concern.
I felt warmth in my heart when I read the message.
It's very encouraging, all the more I want to do something for my Baby Angel when my Guardian Angel showed her love and care towards me.
Hey, let's keep the "Caring Ball" rolling...=)